Our Faith Engaged

We commit ourselves to promote knowledge and veneration of
Black Saints and African American candidates for sainthood.

We urge homilists and Catholic school teachers to introduce these holy men
and women to their congregations and classes.

 We encourage Black Catholics, especially, to support the guilds created for the
cause of canonization of each of these four exemplary African American Catholics.

 We urge the archdioceses of Baltimore, Chicago, New Orleans, and New York,
to help promote pilgrimages for Mother Mary Lange, Father Augustus Tolton,
Mother Henriette Delille, and Pierre Toussaint, respectively.

 We invite other dioceses and parishes around the country to organize
pilgrimages and other prayerful events devoted to the candidates for canonization.

 We urge dioceses to add the Black Saints to their religious curriculum for Catholic
schools and religious education programs and to include their historical
relevance in administrative training programs.