from “What We Have Seen and Heard”

“…[W]e turn to Mary, the Mother of God And the Mother of the African-American Community. She is the Poor Woman and The Bearer of the Word, the first to believe And the first to proclaim the Word. We entrust to her powerful intercession This work within the Black community.” Holy Mary, mother of God And Mother of Africa, Pray for […]

Dove – A symbol of the Holy Spirit

The Dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit which produces Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Humility, and self-control. We recognized this symbol at our Lord’s baptism. After Jesus was baptized, he came up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened [for him], and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove [and] coming […]

Sankofa – African symbol of Wisdom

A symbol of wisdom and learning African symbol of Wisdom, SANKOFA teaches us that we must go back to our roots in order to move forward. That is, we should reach back and gather the best of what our past has to teach us so that we can achieve our full potential as we move forward. What we have lost, […]

Ankh – Symbol of Life

Symbol of Life An egyptian word that means “Life” or Life-giving power: As a symbol for power to give and sustain life, the ANKH is typically associated with water, which was believed by the Egyptians to regenerate life. At our Baptism, we are Baptized with Water giving us new life with Jesus Christ. “You have accepted Christ Jesus as your […]

Family Pledge

Before God and all humankind, we pledge the love and loyalty of our hearts, the wisdom and courage of our minds, and the strength and rigor of our bodies to the service of one another. We promise to work for justice, love, and peace, and to think creatively and positively. We commit ourselves to developing ourselves to our fullest potential; […]

African American Catholic Pledge

We are African American Catholic people Who have accepted the call of the Gospel of Jesus Christ In the Community of Faith of the Roman Catholic Church. We are loyal to this gospel and to this Church. At this time in April 1986, we convene as the Kujenga community Kujenga gathers African American Catholic Youth who represent their local churches. […]

The Meaning of the Kujenga Logo

ANKH: The cross is an ancient symbol present in many different cultures. The ankh is an Egyptian cross, a symbol for life. It represents the male and female. United in the family, the love between the male and female guarantees the continuation of the family and the people. The ankh in the Kujenga logo symbolizes the love that Jesus has […]